Lighthouse Bible Baptist Church was founded and established in 2019 for the preaching and teaching of the word of God; and to reach people in Ulladulla, and in the regions beyond, with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Lighthouse Bible Baptist Church, as an independent bible believing Baptist church, holds to, yet is not limited to, the following bible-based beliefs:
That the King James Bible is the perfect and preserved word of God — Ps 19:7
That eternal salvation is by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ — Eph 2:8-9
That the child of God is eternally secure in Jesus Christ — Rom 8:38-39
That God made everything in six literal days and rested the seventh day — Ex 20:11
That God is a trinity, comprised of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost — 1 Jn 5:7
That the Son of God became flesh via the birth of a virgin at his first advent — Is 7:14
That Jesus Christ died a substitutionary death for fallen man upon Calvary — Rom 5:17-19
That the body of Christ will be caught up before the tribulation begins — 1 Thess 1:10
That the Devil and his angles are and will be defeated by Jesus Christ — Eze 28:14-16
That Jesus Christ will return pre-millennial at his second advent — Zech 14:4-9
That the local church has two ordinances: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper — 1 Cor 11:2
That all our services and ministries are conservative in nature and practice — Jer 6:16
The church carries out various ministries each week, such as its Sunday services, Sunday schools, mid-week prayer meeting and bible studies, and street ministries. The church also is able to financially and prayerfully support various missionaries serving the Lord in foreign fields, and at home here in Australia.
For further information regarding Lighthouse Bible Baptist Church and its beliefs, please contact us.